Petrochemical Industries

Erivac provides equipment for Petrochemical Industries

An enormous amount of chemicals or various types are being made from petroleum derivates for industrial use and consumer goods that require a wide range of different unit operations. Some of the most common petrochemicals manufactured worldwide are PVC and Vinilchloride, PolyEthylen, PolyAmides, Ethylene Glycol and PolyEsters, PolyStyrene, Therphtalic Acid and PET, TDI (Toulene Diisocyante), MDI (Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate), etc. 

As these chemicals are from petroleum derivates from fossil origin there are opportunities for Carbon Capture in the Petrochemical Industries as well as research for new process routes for fossil-free feedstocks, as from carbon capture utilization.

PetroChemical Industries

Depending on the chemical and the chosen path for its manufacture the following unit operations are most often used: – generation of vacuum; gas scrubbing; – heat transfer; – evaporation; – condensation; and/or – filtration. 

Ejectors and Vacuum Systems

 – Vacuum Ejectors. Steam Jet Heaters and ThermoCompressors

 – Steam Jet Vacuum Systems and Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps 

 – Jet- and Venturi Scrubbers for gas cleaning

 – Eductors for Tank Mixing and Waste Water Aeration or process oxidation

Heat Exchangers 

 – Spiral Heat Exchangers for liquid/liquid applications with dirty or high viscous media or product slurries with high solid content as economizers, heaters / coolers, or in two phase applications as condensing or evaporation operations, steam heaters, reboilers, etc.

 – Welded Plate Heat Exchangers. These are for applications as above but for less dirty or semi-fouling media.

 – Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

  – Corrugated Tube Heat exchangers


 – Automatic Filters for protection of heat exchangers and spray nozzles for reduced maintenance necessity and increased plant availability, filtration of raw water and cooling water circuits. If Sea or Brackish Water is used, acting as effective mussels and mussel larvae stop.

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